Boggy Installationstechnik


The use of rain as a source of water supply is as old as humanity itself. It was collected in the geographical stone basins provided by nature, animal hide hoses, barrels, and cisterns. This is still the case today. Who has never seen a rain barrel standing in a garden or a large water tower in a city?


This principle of water use is as simple as can be and is now affordable for the individual household thanks to the latest technology.


This doesn’t mean you do not have to build a 20-meter high tower next to your home of course. The central water tank is simply buried in the earth of your property and does its work there unseen. The surface can be used normally after the tank is installed.


The tank is filled by means of a filtered connection with the gutter. From the tank, the water is provided to the various consumers in the household using a pump. The system, which is also referred to as a “process water” system, runs through its own pipe system to avoid mixing with drinking water.